Revisional Bariatric Surgery

Img Revisionalbariatricsurgery

Many bariatric surgery patients achieve successful weight loss with their primary bariatric surgery. However, other patients may require a secondary, or revision, procedure for a number of different reasons. Mr. Niruben Rajasagaram has extensive experience performing revision weight loss procedures allows him to guide revision surgery patients through the process of deciding which course of treatment is appropriate for them.

Reasons for Revision Bariatric Surgery

There are several reasons that an individual might pursue revision bariatric surgery..

  • Inadequate weight loss or weight regain

A common reason that individuals pursue revision weight loss surgery is that they fail to lose their desired amount of weight. The reasons for this vary with individuals and we usually adopt a team approach in dealing with patients requiring  revisional surgery. One of the key areas that we focus on his addressing any poor habits that may have not seen a patient achieve their desired results  with their initial surgery. The type of weight loss surgery that the patient had initially did not address his or her metabolic needs.

  • The failure of the gastric band in maintaining the restriction for a patient due to slippage or pouch formation nmechanical and / or anatomical modifications that the bariatric surgeon made during the primary procedure were not preserved. For instance, the Lap Band slipped, easing food restriction or the smaller stomach pouch stretched out, allowing increased food consumption. Poor food intake habits.

Unresolved or recurring obesity related comorbidities

If a patient is unable to resolve his or her obesity-related co-morbid health problem with the first bariatric surgery, the procedure may be deemed a failed obesity surgery, and the patient may require a revision procedure.

Usually, poor resolution of co-morbid health issues coincides with insufficient weight loss. In addition, insufficient weight loss may be the result of metabolic failure. Therefore, when Dr. Kuzinkovas addresses an unresolved co-morbid condition, he often takes the same approach as he does when addressing metabolic failure. For example, the Sydney bariatric surgeon may suggest converting the failed obesity surgery to a procedure that better fosters metabolic action (e.g., converting the initial Lap Band procedure to gastric sleeve or gastric bypass surgery).

Complications following weight loss surgery

Health complications resulting from a primary weight loss procedure can also warrant a revision procedure. Possible complications include vitamin deficiencies, anemia, malnutrition and ulcers, among others. The type of complication the patient is experiencing determines which course of action Dr. Kuzinkovas will take with the revision procedure. In certain cases, reversing the primary weight loss procedure (provided it is reversible) is the only option.

Risks of revision Bariatric Surgery

The decision to pursue a secondary surgical weight loss procedure should not be made lightly, as there are increased risks related to revision surgery. Specific complications that could occur with revision bariatric surgery include:

  • A lengthier surgery
  • An increased chance of suffering blood loss
  • The need to perform the revision procedure with an “open” surgical approach instead of the less-invasive laparoscopic approach
  • An increased risk of infections and leaks

Revision Bariatric Surgery results

Individual weight loss results from revision weight loss surgery can vary depending on certain factors, such as the reason that the secondary procedure is needed. Also, weight loss from revision bariatric surgery is typically less extensive than with the primary procedure.

How to get help after failed obesity surgery

It may be difficult to seek help after a failed obesity surgery. However, you should never feel ashamed or embarrassed to do so. The only way to correct the problem that occurred with the primary bariatric procedure is to address the matter with a compassionate, well-qualified bariatric surgeon, such as Dr. Kuzinkovas.

Examples of weight loss revision precedures

  • Gastric band removal
  • Gastric sleeve to gastric bypass
  • Gastric sleeve revision
  • Gastric bypass revision
  • Reflux after gastric sleeve

Commencing the Bariatric Journey: Frequently asked Questions

    • Is Revision Weight Loss Surgery or Revision Bariatric Surgery Melbourne the right step for me?

      The first step to understand is some of the reasons that the primary weight loss surgery failed to help you overcome the disease of obesity in a sustainable way. “This will often mean meeting with the surgeon and the allied health team to take a detailed history. A discussion with the surgeon will guide you through the process of revision surgery and which procedure would be a suitable option for you. Our aim would be to put in place additional supportive measures that will make this journey as successful as it can be for you.

      Each person's needs are different and unique. We meet with you to discuss your own individual needs and medical history. We take the time to get to know you and all that you want to achieve in this journey. We then come up with a joint decision with you. Our desire to help you achieve your weight loss goals with one weight loss surgery during your lifetime. We help guide our patients and educate them as to which procedure will help them achieve this goal.

    • We have a heart’s desire to help the community overcome the disease of obesity in a sustainable way. We have great results with a wealth of experience.Our team includes, Our surgeon, Perioperative Physician, Dietitian, Habits coach and personal trainer. Our staff have a wealth of information to guide you as a point of contact. We value patients as family; walking this journey with you; supporting you and celebrating you and your success stories.

Gastric Balloon Journey

Getting to know you
  • Book in to see our friendly surgeon
  • Bring a support partner along
  • Have all your questions written down
Planning for surgery
  • Plan for surgery / Procedure Date
  • Insured / Superannuation / Payment Plans
  • Paperwork process begins (You will be provided with everything by our experienced team, who will guide you through the process)
Meeting the team
  • Dietitian review
  • Linked in to Bariatric Multivitamins with regular supply
  • Commencement of Very Low Calorie Diet /Shakes (varies between 2-4 weeks)
  • Optional support of Habits Coach 
The weight is over
  • Day of Surgery
  • Toiletries
  • 2m cord for mobile phones / tablets
  • Comfortable clothing for 2 -3 nights
Post operative journey
  • Home after day 2 (varies with patients)
  • Post surgery diet plan as per dietitian
  • See GP at 2 weeks post surgery for wound review
  • See dietitian at 4 weeks
  • Surgeon review at 6 weeks
Sustainable living
  • Normal diet
  • Regular exercise
  • Regular bariatric multivitamins
  • Optional habits coach support

Surgery Options

Please see below a list of some of the more common surgeries for Bariatric (Weight Loss), Upper Gastrointestinal (Hiatal Hernia & Anti Reflux) and General Surgery (Gall Bladder & Hernias) that Mr.Niruben currently performs.

Connect with Our Expert Support

Considering the next step in your weight loss journey? Contact us to find out more about our
holistic approach or to book your consultation.

Why trust us and what makes us different? 

You can trust our dedicated and highly experienced team for a Revisional Bariatric Surgery in Melbourne. Our team is led by highly skilled surgeon Mr. Niruben Rajasagaram who has extensive knowledge about advanced laparoscopic surgery.

He has completed a four-year fellowship in bariatric, upper gastrointestinal and general surgery. He does a wide range of primary and revisional bariatric surgery.

Our team is passionate about providing exceptional patient care, premium service, and keeping waiting times to a minimum. We prioritise new patient referrals with dedicated consultation appointments so you can be confident in getting the support you require.

We are just not about the surgery but provide support for a whole life style change with a habits  coach, accredited practising dieticians and personal trainers to ensure you get the most value from this weight loss procedure.

Our affordable elective surgery is suitable for insured and self-funding patients.

Contact us for more information about our Revisional Bariatric Surgery or to discuss whether you are an ideal candidate for this weight-loss procedure.

Our Client Reviews

If you are thinking of this journey and would like to talk to one of our patients directly to get their perspective – Please feel free to contact us.